Learn to speak Japanese
from Day 1
Master practical Japanese conversations by Listening and Speaking. You will be able to speak from Day 1. Build your speaking confindence for only 15 minutes a day
Learn naturally like a child by listening, repeating, and speaking out loudly.
You have 100 days of practice, SemajAI will guide you through each topic for the day. You practice as many times as you wish.
You have thousands of common Japanese words and phrases to help you get started with each topic for each day.
Build your confidence by picking a topic and chatting with Semaj, this will help you to get a deeper understanding of Japanese.
100 Days Curriculum
Dynamic lessons for each day
A well laid out Curriculum to follow, with lessons for each day. No more guess work, just straight forward guidance that works.

Speak and Listen
Speaking and Listening will greatly improve your Japanase
You will have dynamic conversations with Semaj AI, just hit the record button and speak freely. Semaj AI will respond with both text and voice, you can translate the text and replay the voice to gain more understanding.